Monday, October 4, 2010

Drake's Fortune FAQ

1. Why doesn’t Drake run at a pace that indicates that he would like to live?

2. Who the hell is shooting me?

3. MORE climbing shit?

4. What kind of grenade beeps?

5. Why is the aiming suddenly inverted for the vehicle segment?

6. Why are exploding barrels only identifiable as exploding barrels after you’ve already killed everyone around them?

7. Why does it take indefinitely longer for someone to train a gun with a laser sight, (a tool that makes aiming easier,) on me than it does someone to train a gun without one?

8. Legible ancient books?

9. In the humid jungle?

10. Really?

11. Where the fuck do I go?

12. Is *this* where I go?

13. Is *this* where I go?

14. How on earth did you make such terrible quick time events?

15. Is *this* where I go?

16. Do I HAVE to drive the waverunner again?

17. Where are all these exploding barrels coming from?

18. An exploding barrel factory?

19. That feeds into the river?

20. What kind of gun is Navarro using there at the end?

21. Some kind of magical sniper shotgun perhaps?