Because there is no limit to their numbers or how retarded they can get.
Blue sky.
Damn, this is like the worst graphic design I’ve ever seen on a crappy ad. Would it have killed them to put in just a simple background. The pictures also look like they were screen captured off of some camwhore’s live feed.
Wow that’s weird, some IM service I’ve never heard of has somehow sent me messages, (over a public medium), from some of my “buddies” that are apparently on it. What the hell is a “crush request?” A crush isn’t something you can request to have. It’s something that happens without your control, whether you like it or not. Even if someone has a crush on me it’s a moot point. I’m engaged.
God forbid someone gets scared. This seems like such a childish gimmick (pun not intended.) And at the bottom it says “subscription required” implying that you have to do tedious paperwork before you can be scared. If I want a cheap thrill I’ll look inside the soup pot in the cafeteria. Still, I have to be sure. So what really happens if you click on it. Well you get this…
What the hell is this now? I wanted to be scared, not have my palm read. Are they just hoping you’ll forget about the scary thing and get distracted by *this.* Still, I have to give them credit. Someone obviously spent a lot of time on this. Compositionally it’s boring though. They made it so damn symmetrical that it has the same writing on both sides of the picture. Giesel huh? Why does that remind me of The Sound of Music? Oh yeah Liesl… I mean I never watched that. Gisele can predict UR destiny? What is “UR?” Is it an acronym for something or is it the shortened form of “your” capitalized for no apparent reason? And how am I to believe that she can predict anything if she can’t even tell my gender?
She solves problems… *Sexual* problems. If you heard this in your head the same way I do, there would be no way you could read it without laughing.
Congratulations won a free prize eh? Good for him. Why is the A the only thing not capitalized in that sentence? That kind of bothers me. Also, if I was making a banner ad I wouldn’t use numbers for words like “Click 2 claim.” Using loose semantics like that just lessens it’s believability. Though I guess it doesn’t really matter because morons are their target audience anyway.
This ad doesn’t make any sense. Who’s to say which dinosaurs are good and bad. They’re all so cute. Why can’t they *all* be excellent?
I love it when they put fake buttons and drop-down lists on banners when in reality the whole ad is a single button. I’ve never heard of this dating service. I know they mean mate as in find a mate but I seriously can’t stop thinking about mate the verb.
Click release… what?! I don’t want to release my winnings. Are there no English-speaking people that make these ads? It’s not like it’s rocket science. All you need is one coherent sentence and no one seems to be able to do it right.
Well this is certainly creative. Three totally unrelated things making a banner. Only on the internet can one win such lavish prizes by performing the most menial of tasks. Why does this never happen to me when I walk into stores or look through the newspaper? You have to draw on the mug shot but drawing is the same as clicking so what’s the point? Obviously I had to click on something to even view the ad. What’s so special about drawing? And why on O. J. Simpson? There’s an asterisk next to the word “free” indicating a footnote that says “See terms and gift rules.” So I’m guessing that when they use the “term” “free” it doesn’t actually mean free in the way everyone uses the word. But then what the hell *does* it mean? Maybe the Xbox is *free* of internal hardware. Or it was *free* from restraint inside the delivery truck, causing it to become crushed and *free* from functioning. Also, according to the measurement scale in the background, OJ’s head is about one-and-a-half feet tall. Proportionally that makes him roughly 12 feet tall.
You succeed to make for happy fun time prize! Please use click to magic claim button!!!